
The Ebenezer Church is a community of believers with more than 50 years of existence in the city of Miami. We are a community made up of families from different countries, thus celebrating the diversity within the unity that comes from our identity as members of the body of Christ. As a church, our mission is forged at the heart of the Great Commission, allowing the gospel to transform lives on a personal level and, consequently, transform families and the society in which we live.

Ebenezer Church is associated with the Free Will Baptist denomination, a fellowship of evangelical churches that adhere to the Bible as the foundation of faith and practice. The denomination began in 1727, and for nearly 300 years it has contributed to the moral and spiritual fiber of the nation. Bound by belief, praise, and a common mission, nearly 300,000 people from 2,500 congregations in 40 states have voluntarily come together to spread the impact of the gospel around the world


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10 AM - Bible Study

11 AM - Worship Service


6:30 PM - Family Night


7:30 PM - AWANA

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